Friday, September 26, 2008

Quick Update

Things are getting better with Chris all the time:
-She walked 3 times yesterday, combined over 6 miles. Lot's of exercise is critical and she is doing a good job with it.
-She is driving alone regularly, running errands, etc.
-She has been sleeping better and better - probably due to more exercise.
-Her blood pressure has been remaining strong (concern is that it is low) so she may be able to reduce some of that medication. The pharmacy warehouse of medications she has been taking since June has been reduced considerably, but still about 15 pills a day at this point.

Chris' sister Debbie, who managed the home front this summer while Chris and I were in Boston, is flying up for the weekend. She has not seen Chris since the end of August, so it will be a good comparison point.

The cards have been coming in - Thank You! They put a smile on her face everytime she opens one up. We are going to enjoy the weekend, celebrating the 100 days. Your cards are part of that celebration.