Another checkup with Chris' primary and things are still progressing well. The good news:
- her lungs were very clear, best in a long time, hardly any fluid at all
- blood pressure has remained very good
- no measurable edema
- increasingly more stamina
She gets good grades for all her progress.
Needs improvement:
- weight gain. Is stuck in low 100's (103 pounds this morning) despite an incredible valiant attempt to eat early and often. Her doctor believes this may indicate some intestinal impact but that is not clear.
- still some red marks showing on her skin. These come and go, but are marker that should stop after awhile.
- cold head!! Chris can't believe that men walk around all day long with their head so cold. She is starting to really get a scalp full of coverage, but still is always complaining that her head is so cold.
Her walking has continued with daily treks. She now tracks her distance with a pedometer (thanks Paula) and can ensure that she really improves her speed and distance on a regular basis. I just remain amazed at the difference since this summer when she was at the other end of the spectrum. Going back and reading the posts from late June/early July and the stark improvement jumps out.
There was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal recently indicating the need for a family member as a patient advocate for someone in the hospital. I could not agree with this more. I can cite many examples when staff turnover, general inattention, sloppy procedures, and unclear direction added an undue level of risk into Chris' recovery. As I have said before, Boston Medical Center was outstanding, beyond any expectations of a world class facility, but no hospital is perfect and no individual totally focused. The value of a patient advocate, whose sole focus is that of caregiver in the hospital cannot be overstated. Watching, questioning, learning, explaining, documenting, and questioning again, even if overzealous, is so important.
Chris and I will go and visit Abby for parents weekend tomorrow. This is another major milestone. Abby is doing great, we'll be glad to see her, and Chris will certainly get some exercise on the hills.
All the time, I keep looking at the calendar. We are getting closer and closer to December. To be honest, I get more nervous every day, but I think how incredibly lucky and blessed we have been so far.