Monday, March 2, 2009

A good and quick explanation promoting awareness

The Amyloidosis Foundation has sponsored a 5 minute video that was developed to explain Amyloidosis to physicians. It gets a little technical, but the key elements are understandable. Chris has Primary AL type, and you can hear some frightening statistics about life expectancy and number of sufferers. As the video points out, the single most important factor in successful treatment is early diagnosis. Yet diagnosis is unlikely given the lack of awareness by the medical community. As stated, often the patient suffers from many different symptoms and numerous tests are often performed without any clear pointer. In the case of amyloidosis, the only real test is a fat biopsy with a red congo stain.

Here is the url for the video:

In the meantime, Chris is doing well but has had a very bad cold and some GI issues in the last week. Unfortunately we are learning that we just can't grab over the counter medicines to treat her symptoms as everything needs to be analyzed against the Coumadin. This slows everything down and she suffers a bit longer as a result. We want her to be as healthy as possible next week as we go in for the 3 days of evaluation.

Stephen continues to train hard for his ride. He and Aislinn leave on Thursday directly from school and will arrive in Jacksonville Friday evening with the ride north starting Saturday morning from the Mayo Clinic. They are pretty well organized, but I am sure they will have some bumps in the road. His plan is to update his blog each evening with a quick status of his location, his adventures, and his progress promoting awareness. He remains amazed as to the outpouring of support for his ride to promote awareness.

Again, thanks to all!!!