Chris spent the first of three days at BU today and all went well. She had a number of tests, for which we do not yet have results, but the discussions with the doctors were all positive. Chris had a chest x-ray, blood tests, the 24 hour urine test, and the painful bone marrow biopsy. We did meet with two doctors, including Dr. Sanchorawala for clinical observations and they were pleased with how she looked, her current course of medication, and her general level of activity. Of course I asked many questions about the Amyloidosis Rome Symposium that we missed and Dr. Sanchorawala was very willing to share with me the major findings around new diagnosis, type determination (e.g. AL, TTR, etc), treatments, and cardiac markers. I had read much of the findings already so knew most of the major news. It was clear to me that the progress in drug therapies continues to be positive. The various combinations seem to provide the most effective impact. Combinations of Velcade, Melphalan and Dex (V-MD) is one example with promise.
So tomorrow we will know her free light chains, her proteinurea, her ejection fraction, and her heart wall thickness. All key indicators of her health.
Thanks to all for the ongoing interest and support.