Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chemo - Day 2

Done!! Two rounds of an incredibly toxic drug designed to kill blood cells that in reality will hopefully stop this disease. Last night, while getting ready for bed, we both agreed that things had gone very well (yesterday). However, this morning, Chris did not feel well at all. She was very nauseous, a bit lightheaded, and vomited the little breakfast that she had nibbled on earlier. She is retaining fluids (3 lb's worth) and this has caused swelling in her legs and abdomen. The medical team debated this morning whether to only give her the smaller dose or continue with the stronger dose. In the end, they wanted her to make the decision. The stronger dose (200Mg) is much more toxic and the side effects much worse. But as always, Chris went the tough route. The success rate of remission is greater with the stronger dose, but she will suffer a more difficult period for a month or so. Overall Chris had a tough day today, and it is only going to get worse. I think the reality of how bad she is going to feel is going to hit sooner rather than later. Tonight, she is not feeling well, can't eat anything, and has little energy.

Tomorrow we start a much more intensive potpourri of drugs. She will be taking drugs for nausea, infection, mouth sores, etc. The regiment is incredibly scripted. This will continue for a month. Friday is the Big Day as they say around here. This is when they replant the stem cells and start her from the beginning. They call this her new birthday, and knowing all things are going to go well, it will be June 20. As I have stated earlier, she will have zero immunity system, but the newly replanted stem cells will start waking up from their deep freeze outside of her body and slowly begin producing the cells we all take for granted - the red blood cells, white blood cells, and plasma. The actual stem cell replant is extremely hard on the body, so it will take every ounce of Chris' strength. But we all know she will do this.

Chris' siblings have been a huge help. Her brother was great last week and her two sisters have just been incredibly helpful. They both have left their own families and are living at the house. Whether it is running errands, doing laundry, helping the kids, running things into Boston, it has been amazing.

Chris has been very strong so far, and she will need to be even stronger going forward. This is going to get worse over the next 5-7 days, so everyones prayers and support will be greatly appreciated. They certainly have made a difference so far, and we are both very thankful.