Unfortunately Chris had a tough day today and did not see the progress we had been hoping for. As such, they are going to keep her in the hospital yet another night tonight -Monday. She remains extremely tired and has some occasional nausea and still some digestive problems. Additionally, she has eaten very little today. So to call it what it is, it was not a good day. Her red blood count looks good and her platelets are good, but her white blood cells (WBC) are not back to an acceptable level. A normal count for WBC is between 4.0 and 11.00 K/UL. Today she was at .7 and thus she still has a long way to go. Night #4 is not what we expected, and while Chris is keeping up a good front, it is frustrating to us.
We have been told over and over again that the hospital is the worse place to be, yet here we are for another night. I questioned the doctor about the rationale for keeping her, and the answer was that this way they can monitor her more closely and avoid us from having to bring her back to the emergency room in the middle of the night. I am starting to believe that there is a lack of trust by the medical team in the emergency room and that by keeping her here, the Amyloid team maintains the decision making control of the patient vs entrusting it to the triage team in the emergency room. To me it looks like departmental politics vs patient prioritization.
Yet, that said, I have to contain my skepticism. Despite my natural inclination to suspect politics, I realize that in fact, this medical team knows more about this than anyone in the world. I am very comfortable asking questions and challenging, but in the end I realize that they know more than I do. (Those who know me well realize that is a very difficult admission for me to make).
So this has been a tough day for Chris. Again, not a single complaint and just an amazing patience for the rebound to happen.
I know we all hope for a much better day tomorrow and authorization to get home. She continues with her amazing internal strength.