Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday Morning - Early

Chris is resting comfortably after sleeping well through the night (she still is as of 7:30 am). She has been knocked out through a variety of drugs but I am glad she was able to sleep without much interruption. It appears that all systems are stable and I am hoping we are a GO for launch back to the apartment some time today (can you tell I watched a 2 hour documentary on NASA from 1-3 this morning ?).
Her blood pressure is now a bit low and again she has not eaten very much at all for the last two days, but if we have stopped the nausea she may start getting hungry. She has told me that everything tastes bad, or at least different, with a metallic flavor in most things. This is a frequent side effect of the chemo I understand. I would like her to get up out of bed this morning and walk around, as she has not been anywhere but her bed and the bathroom since Friday afternoon. It is very important that she stay limber and not get "deconditioned", where the heart and lungs start losing some of their strength due to lack of need.

Abby goes off to her college orientation today and Chris and I are both very disappointed that we can't join her. But she understands completely of course. One of my sisters will take her and they will spend the night tonight in NY. She took Melissa to Burlington as well earlier and has been a great help in offloading duties, along with Chris' sisters. Neither of us have been home for 2 weeks and it seems like an eternity. In the best case we'll be another 3 weeks as Chris rebuilds her hematological system.

I may quit this chair sleeping adventure I am on. I have learned that there are 72 ceiling tiles in this room, there are at least 11 different beeps, bells, or buzzers that seem to go off on average about every 4 minutes, and I can state unequivocally that the old woman in the room next to Chris knows more swear words than all of us combined. One of thr most incredible and long lasting tirades I have ever heard. Fortuntaly the Discovery Channel has great programming all night.

So bottom line, Chris appears to be doing better, but we'll know more when she wakes up. I really want her to be able to get back to the apartment where she is much more comfortable.
Thanks to all for keeping your fingers crossed and your hands clasped.