Thursday, December 11, 2008

Waiting for Godot (really Sanchorawala)

Chris has been very busy today and not had much time to be idle and thinking. That is a good thing. We are waiting for the big call from the medical center tomorrow afternoon where they will tell us what the indicators are for the degree of response. I know hundreds of people are waiting for the big HCR to be claimed, but based on some of the results, while I do not think we are there, I think we are close. The question I have been asked frequently, and a good one is: "At one point do they claim victory?" Is 95% close enough? Is 98%? The answer is pretty binary as I understand it. Your either have a complete response or you don't. If your body is still producing the amyloid proteins ( and as you know, this means the lambda free light chains), then we have to stop the production and the resulting deposition of them in the organs. More proteins mean more damage, and thus there is still work to be done.

My best guess is that they are going to say - "we are pleased, there is a good response, enjoy the holidays, come back in January and we'll retest and decide the action plan then".

As I thought a bit more last night about how to describe Chris' status, I would break it down into two areas: 1) Hematologically things are really looking good. 2) Cardiologically (a new word I just invented I think), things are OK but need a great deal of attention. I remain positive that if we can stop further heart damage, then Chris can move forward with a great and active (but not too active) lifestyle. Her positive attitude will make a huge difference going forward.

Chris did sleep very well last night. She has carried such a tremendous burden of stress that I know she felt as though she completed a major milestone yesterday. As she slept soundly this morning, I swear there was a smile on her face. This meant the world to me.

More tomorrow night or maybe early Saturday morning. I cannot say it enough - Thanks to all of you who care so much.