Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 1 at Boston Medical return visit

Things went well at BU today, for the little we learned. Chris had the 24 hour urine collection, lots and lots of blood taken, and a chest x-ray. We did not get all the results of course, but the chest x-ray results were very good. For the first time in over a year, Chris did not have any fluid in her lungs. This is really encouraging and we were glad to here it. We did meet with two doctors, one for a general review of her overall health, and then the hematologist, Dr. Sanchorawala who we both have a great deal of respect for and who runs the stem cell transplant program. She was very positive on Chris' progress, but we still need to see the results of the lambda light chains. This is the big number we are waiting to see as it will be an important determiner of the next plan of attack.

We discussed all of the various chemo options: Velcade, Revlimid, and possibly a combination of Velcade and Melphalan with dexemethesone. There is a possibility that we may have to go back in a month for more blood work to just track the data points. That may be when a final decision is made. I of course want to be as aggressive as possible and I have told every doctor I see that same thing. I am not happy with the 94% response, and Chris agrees, so we need to get 100% and pursue all potential options. We just won't know those options for awhile I guess.

The doctors were all fully aware of Stephen's ride. They have been very impressed and tell us that we must be very proud. Of course we are. There is a computer at the center and everyone was reading his web site and congratulating us.

We were very glad to spend some time with our friends from Ohio. Tim went through the stem cell transplant a month before Chris and is doing very well. He is now on an oral dose of chemo and we are learning from him all of the good and the bad. It is clearly tough on the body, but Tim is soldiering through it very well. Tim and his wife Connie have started a foundation where they will own an apartment in Boston and give it to Amyloidosis patients who are in need of financial support for their living expense while staying in Boston. Connie has this all planned out but is in need of some organization/coordination/management support from someone in Boston. Chris is very interested in helping as she has had such great support from so many people here in Holliston and donations from people all over the US. This could be a really win/win /win situation. Connie and Tim start a fantastic foundation, those in need of help get it, and Chris gets to give back (or pass forward) all the help she has received.

So bottom line, we don't know much yet, but hopefully we'll know a bit more tomorrow. Thanks so much for your interest and incredible support.