We met with the Nephrologist (kidney specialist) today and went through some of the numbers that were available. Based on what she had seen come in, Chris' numbers all look good. She went through a good analysis as to how the amyloid proteins limit the kidney function and how they allow protein to get into the urine. Protein leaving the body is generally bad and an indication of amyloidosis, along with other causes. One of the indicators of protein in the urine is "foamy" urine that is very bubbly. It can also be an early indicator of diabetes so it should always be analyzed if there is foaminess (sorry to be so focused on urine tonight). The other biomarker is the amount of creatinine. Creatinine is the waste by-product of muscles and if too high indicates renal damage. Chris' number is .64 and the normal range is .5 to 1.0. So again this is very good. The doctor also expected that the 24 hour protein number would continue to decrease over time.
What we need is the total package of results which we will not have until next week. The normal procedure is that we get the call on Friday afternoon with the next steps. For this time, we will not hear until Tuesday or Wednesday.
They do want Chris to do another set of blood test (not the doctor visits) and she will do that on April 28th. Then she has her 12 month evaluation at the end of June. What we heard today was that it would not be until the June meeting that they declare what kind of response it was (complete or partial) and what the next steps are. So this is going to be slower than I would like but they need the full year to understand the total affect of the stem cell replant and chemo.
So, as I said yesterday, we are running in the right direction, but we do not know if and when we will cross the complete response finish line.
One thing that is really good is that the Director of the BU Amyloidosis Research Clinic asked us to meet with her in her office. She said that there had been a lot of talk about what our son was doing on his bike ride around the center and she wanted to tell us how amazed they are and supportive they want to be. They have invited Stephen and Aislinn to come and get the "VIP" tour of the center, meet with the doctors, see the labs, etc. I am wondering if maybe they might give a quick presentation to the medical staff on a Friday when they all meet. They will have great pictures and video's (and will get more there) and it would be a great dry-run for their presentation back at Worcester Academy.
So no real news until next week when they call with their final packaged results. We are pleased with the direction but would like to have all the biomarkers at or beyond the target. We are not there yet.
Your donations to the Research Foundation keep coming in. Thanks for all your support, your continued calls to Chris, your prayers and well wishes. We both believe that they are making a huge difference. In the meantime, Aislinn and Stephen march north. They have some great stories to tell, so their blog will be much more interesting for the next few days than mine.
More next week.