This medical team knows what they are doing. They told us that Chris would have no white blood cells today and sure enough, she has none. Her red blood cells and her platelet's are also down significantly but they have not needed to give her any as of yet. So right now, the replanted stem cells are quickly finding their way to the bone marrow (primarily in the pelvis and the "long bones") and will kick into gear this weekend. This is why they called last Friday her new birthday. She will have an entirely new system sometime next week. Of course without any immunity system at all right now, she is highly susceptible to infection. She is wearing a mask everywhere and touching nothing. On the way to the hospital, she keeps her hands in her pockets, and I open all doors for her (which I have been doing for years by the way). I have been wiping every surface with a disinfectant and I swear you could perform open heart surgery in this apartment it is so clean.
Chris has had none of the possible side effects. She is sleeping about 20 hours a day, but that is to be expected. It gives me more time to cook, clean, do laundry, pay the bills, etc. More importantly, she is too tired to watch Friends, so we are stuck on Season 4 (hooray)!!
We have received well wishes from around the world and it is greatly appreciated. Friends in France, Australia, Singapore, and even NY have sent their encouragement. Chris feels the love from everyone, and it has been a huge help when she is down.
One question I asked today was: When will we know if all of this had any impact? In other words, when will we know that the new plasma cells, created by the stem cells are not building these amyloid proteins? The answer I was given was 6-9 months. Only then will we know the three possible outcomes: complete response, partial response, or no response. The second question I have asked is: Will the body try to rid itself of the amyloid proteins deposited in the organs? the answer here is that it is possible, as long as there is not too much damage already. So yes, there can be an improvement and the organs can slowly repair themselves. This may take years, but we'll take that.
So, Chris has hit the ground floor, she is at great risk of infection, and we are being very careful. Thanks to all for the ongoing support and prayers.